Add Your Adsense Code In Blog Header And Footer To Increase Your Income
If your want increase your earning Via Adsense on Blogger Your are at right place 

Hello Bloggiyan Today We are going to show easiest way to increase your income with this simple trick . If You want to To insert Adsense Ads below header, in sidebar and at the end of the blog is very simple by adding Adsense in the gadget section but if we place Adsense ads inside blog post i.e. below post title and at the end of the post it can really help to get readers eye on ad and improves chances of click on ad and double your adsense earning
We our sharing this after applying of our blog. You can see header ads on our posts. 

Before Applying: You must have an active any Adsense account.

Easy Step To Add Your Adsense In Blogger Post 

  1. Login to your Blogger Account.
  2. Open your Blog you want to add ads to > Go to Template > Click Edit Html.
  3. Now find <body expr:class=’&quot;loading&quot; + data:blog.mobileClass’> and expand it if not expended. Now below this find <b:widget id=’Blog1′ locked=’true’ title=’Blog Posts’ type=’Blog’> and expand it too.
  4. Below this find <b:includable id=’post’ var=’post’> with option to expand. Click it to expand.
  5. Before using your Adsense code on blogger you need to encode it. You can use Our HTML To XML Parser Tool For Blogger Adsense Converter to encode Adsense Code.
  6. To put Adsense ad just below your post title find <div class=’post-header-line-1′/> and paste your encoded Adsense code just above this.
  7. <div class='post-header'><div class='post-header-line-1'/><center>your Adsense code</center></div>

  8. To put Adsense ads at the end of your post content find <data:post.body/> and past your encoded Adsense code below this.
<div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; +' itemprop='description articleBody'> <data:post.body/><center>your Adsense code</center><center>

8. Now Save Template and refresh your blogger post to see ads appear after post title and at the end of all posts of your blog.
This way you can add any adsense network code like Google Adsense, Chitika, Infolink, Adbrite, Adsforindian etc inside your blog posts.
How To Insert Adsense code In Blogger Post Watch This Video 

Do Comments After placing Ads in Post Header or Footer on your Blog. wish You Happy Earning.

Add Your Adsense Code In Blog Header And Footer To Increase Your Income
Last Reviewed by S2Free User on June 11 2013
Rating: 4.5


  1. I tried this on my blog but when I go to add the adsense, it won't let me. It keeps saying that I need to correct my errors. Well, the error is that it's a horizontal banner that is too wide for my blog. That's because my template doesn't allow header or footer ads, even after I modify the html codes. Am I doing something wrong?

