How to Find Out Who is Stealing Your Blog/Website Content
 If your blog is containing good articles then many other person will to copy it by which it is difficult to find out real content.But you can report there blog by my tricks.So today I will teach you How to Find Out Who is Stealing Your Content ,So lets start-

Check Who Is Copying Your Blog Content

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your website URL there.
  3. Click on Go button.
  4. It will take some second to scan your site.
  5. After few seconds the top result will start appearing on your window.
What to do if nothing comes when you scan your site with copyscape-Its good if nothing comes because it means no one is copying your site content :)
How to protect your site from copycat-Ok,so you want to protect your site from copycat then you need to register your site by which no one is able to copy your content if you want to register your site then read below articles.
If you want to protect your site content then register your site from below-

COPYSCAPE-Go here by clicking here and copy html code and paste it in your site by this good looking copyright badge will start appearing in your blog.

DMCA-Go here by clicking here and register your site and make your copyright certificate.


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